jouissance|jouissances in English


(from French) jollity, merriment, jolliness, happiness

Use "jouissance|jouissances" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "jouissance|jouissances" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "jouissance|jouissances", or refer to the context using the word "jouissance|jouissances" in the English Dictionary.

1. Public Events & Seminars Analytica Clinical Seminar 2020 (Lacan) Ongoing Series, Lacan: Drive, Desire, Symptom, Jouissance

2. Jouissance is this something in which the pleasure principle marks its traits and its limits.

3. Filled with the extreme eros, the masochist freezes before the otherwise unbearable spectacle of cruelty and enjoys the prohibited jouissance.

4. As for the sadist, he finds himself, in truth, a slave of this passion, of this necessity, to bring under the yoke of jouissance, what he is aiming at as being the subject.

5. Intervening in the field of the subject, in to far as he is subject to jouissance, the masochist, after all, knows well that it matters little to him what is happening in the field of the Other.